The popularity of Aranmula Kannadi, a unique metal mirror, across the seas has taken Aranmula, a small hamlet on the banks of the Pampa, to the world rural tourism map. This marvelous piece of ancient metallurgy, that gives distortion-free images, has been a key attraction to many a tourist, especially those from abroad.The ever-increasing demand for the metal mirror itself shows its growing popularity.Aranmula Kannadi or Arnamula Metal-mirror making is a long, intricate process that needs patience. Secret recipe Of arnamula Kannadi Some ‘undisclosed’ metals are alloyed with copper and tin to case the metal mirror in typical clay moulds. The method used is the age-old ‘lost-wax’ process. The craftsman melts the metals in a pit-furnace fitted with a manual blower and pours it into clay moulds of different sizes. The moulded metal disc will be mounted on a wooden plank to polish it using fine powder of burnt clay and castor oil on a jute cloth. The polished discs are mounted on bronze fr...