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Showing posts from February, 2023

How to buy aranmula kannadi via Etsy?

As you know the reach and reparation of an international platform like Etsy, listing the world famous aranmula kannadi as well. where you can buy the mirrors easily without worrying about the payment or shipping etc. There is an exclusive etsy shop for authentic aranmula kannadi metal mirror. and here is the link :- This etsy shop is rated top as a STAR SELLER with speedy replies, smooth dispatch and rave reviews. Etsy would be ideal for buyers from United states, Canada, Europe etc

How to clean aranmula kannadi?

  The mirror should be cleaned once in a month, firstly remove the dust on its surface with smooth cloth, Otherwise dust particles or the fungus deposited on the surface of the mirror will result in oxidation and cause damage to the mirror. Sometimes a yellowish coloring is seen on the frame, which can be cleaned off by rubbing with Brasso. . Cleaning the brass frame: The Frame of aranmula kannadi is made up of brass. so when we expose it in to atmosphere for a long time, dust or other dirt may get on the mirror frame. for cleaning the mirror frame, Take a piece of smooth cotton cloth, fold it twice and put drops of brasso ( Brasso is a liquid solution which can get in most of the metal/paint shops) on the cloth and rub it with the other part of the cloth. If any change is seen on the frame by rubbing with brasso,then clean it with a piece of smooth cotton cloth. Cleaning the mirror part:  Alert: NEVER use any oil or corrosive cleaning agents in the mirror part. If some ...